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We're happy to share this letter from the President & CEO of DuPagePads,
April Redzic, with news about the tremendous strides that have been made with its Interim Housing Center
Turning a Donkey Into a Unicorn!
Published December 2022
Prior Good News Impacts
Ending Veteran Homelessness
The Foundation has been involved with many organizations, both locally and nationally, devoted to ending homelessness, including for military veterans.
At a National Alliance to End Homelessness conference several years ago, the Foundation heard the keynote speaker, First Lady Michelle Obama, state that "no man or woman who served and defended this country should be sleeping on its streets."
In 2010, the Obama Administration had released the "Opening Doors" policy which set a federal goal that was centered on the belief that "no one should experience homelessness, no one should be without a safe, stable place to call home." The Housing First plan had four key goals:
Prevent and end homelessness among Veterans in 2015
Finish the job of ending chronic homelessness in 2017
Prevent and end homelessness for families, youth and children in 2020
Set a path to end all types of homelessness
Published November 2022
Last week it was announced by the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, HUD and the Veterans Administration that a VERY BIG goal has been achieved:
Newly-released data from the 2022 Point-in-Time Count reveals there has been an 11% decrease in veteran homelessness since 2020 and a 55.3% decrease since 2010.
"All Veterans deserve to have what they need to lead healthy, safe and successful lives - that starts with a place to call home," said HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge. "The data released today shows we are closer than ever in ensuring that every Veteran in America has a home and challenges us to ensure that every Veteran - and every person in America - has a home."